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No right to criticize a teacher?

Last summer we hung a colorful two-story-tall banner in the atrium of the Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno. Sewn into the tapestry are the 45 pithy words of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Our goal was to likewise engrave the words on the minds of future journalists.

Providing format allows for real alternatives to be aired

The long-debated federal takeover of the nation’s medical industry appeared on the verge of becoming law until Republican Scott Brown won a special Senate election in Massachusetts last month — capturing the seat of Ted Kennedy on a platform that nakedly vowed to defeat Obamacare.

If we all just dig deep, state deficit will go away

It is very disturbing to hear our state politicians talking in generalities about our budget shortfall, how we have to make cuts in services, and how we can’t raise taxes to pay for essential services in today’s business climate. But when asked to define “essential services,” one Republican lawmaker laid out every program that we now fund. Clearly, cutting services is not going to work.

Green jobs

Remember all those “green jobs” President Obama and the Democrats were going to create by taxing struggling employers and out-of-work private-sector Americans and funneling the resulting loot to politically favored outfits developing “clean, energy-efficient” technologies?