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COMMENTARY: A website named grabyourwallet.org maintains a long list of “retailers to boycott” and “additional entities to consider boycotting” based on tenuous ties to Donald Trump

Maybe it is the herd mentality. Maybe it is public virtue signaling, a kind of showing off. Maybe it’s a way to express anxiety or frustration. It’s easier to stop shopping at L.L. Bean than to persuade a Trump voter to choose the Democrat the next time.

LETTER: Southern Nevada education establishment keeps fighting reform

There is an old and true statement, something like, “If you keep doing the same thing, you will continue to get the same results.” In my 17 years in Las Vegas, I have concluded that the saying applies to the Clark County education system.

COMMENTARY: If the Affordable Care Act is going to be repealed, Congress must ensure hospitals are made whole and restore its deep Medicare cuts

If the law is repealed and Congress does not act to restore the cuts, many facilities — especially the community hospitals and clinics that more often cater to the needs of low-income and elderly patients — will be forced to shut their doors or stop providing certain specialty care such as behavioral health or neonatal intensive care

COMMENTARY: Dean Heller and Dina Titus introduce legislation aimed at heading off efforts to revive Yucca Mountain in Nevada

Taxpayer dollars are better spent securing safe and viable alternatives for the long-term storage of nuclear waste in areas that are willing to house it. The incoming administration and congressional Yucca Mountain advocates should focus their efforts on that worthwhile initiative.