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Heck and Amodei do the wrong thing in voting to sue Obama

Instead of voting to authorize a legally questionable, highly dubious lawsuit against President Barack Obama, they could have stood up, said enough is enough, and voted no.

EDITORIAL: Autism center

Southern Nevada’s health care system is woefully deficient in a great many medical specialties, from mental health to pediatrics. No one is more aware of the challenges of obtaining adequate treatment than the parents of autistic children.

EDITORIAL: Washoe County School Board embraces secrecy, insults public

Clark County voters do not need to be reminded of the importance of elected offices at the bottom of the ballot. Such down-ticket races attract considerably less attention and interest, creating opportunities for unqualified candidates to win jobs they have no business holding and cause problems, not solve them. Las Vegas Constable John Bonaventura provides the public with an ongoing lesson in how incompetence leads to embarrassment and expensive liabilities.

EDITORIAL: Affordable Care Act’s own words should be its undoing

The Democrats who forced the Affordable Care Act on the American public are predictably outraged that Obamacare appears headed back before the U.S. Supreme Court for another make-or-break appeal on a pillar of the legislation. But for the Obama administration to prevail once more, the justices will have to follow the president’s lead in ignoring the letter of the law.

EDITORIAL: Amid Hafen hubbub, panel wisely leaves Henderson charter intact

Andy Hafen’s second term as mayor of Henderson will be his last. The Nevada Supreme Court declared as much earlier this year when it issued a surprising clarification on the state constitution’s voter-approved term limits amendment. And the city’s citizen Charter Committee assured as much last week when it declined to recommend a change to Henderson’s governance structure that could have kept Mr. Hafen in office through the end of the decade.

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