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EDITORIAL: Voters benefit from R-J’s biennial ‘Judging the Judges’ survey

When elections come around, there’s no shortage of information available for high-profile positions, particularly at the federal level, with the deluge of advertisements for presidential candidates and congressional office seekers. Closer to home, statewide offices such as the governorship, attorney general and Senate/Assembly contests gain sufficient attention. But one area that tends to get overlooked is judges. Voters often don’t have the information they need to cast an informed ballot.

EDITORIAL: Nevada turns 150

The new year brings with it a milestone moment in Nevada: 150 years since joining the union as the 36th state, on Oct. 31, 1864. The Review-Journal has been celebrating since Nevada Day 2013, on Oct. 25, when it launched a yearlong project in the run-up to the official sesquicentennial anniversary of Nevada Day 2014, on Oct. 31 — exactly 150 years to the day marking Nevada’s statehood.

EDITORIAL: VA hospital’s video failure

The valley’s new Veterans Affairs Medical Center has been a model of consistency — it’s had problems from the very beginning. The facility’s cost ran way over an initial estimate of $286 million to about $1 billion. Since opening in 2012 (some three years late), there have been issues with quality of care, highlighted most recently by the case of Navy veteran Sandra Niccum.

EDITORIAL: Exception for me, not for thee

When it comes to Obamacare hypocrisy, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has plenty of company. That masquerader’s club now includes Nevada’s junior senator, Republican Dean Heller.

A new day dawns for health care

As we wish our friends and family a happy, healthy New Year, these words have renewed meaning in 2014.

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