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Entertaining with a fresh, local twist

The pleasant weather of late summer and early fall is ideal for outdoor gatherings. Instead of a go-to meal of burgers and potato salad, explore your culinary side and try something fresh and different. Entertaining with local vegetables and flavorful garden herbs can be easy, healthy and delicious. Farmers markets are often the best source for ingredients straight from the garden.

Tips to help kids stay dry and confident through overnight occasions

For the estimated 6 million-plus American children who experience bedwetting, sleepovers, sleep-away camp and vacation can trigger embarrassment, not to mention stress and worry for parents. t’s important for parents to find coping strategies, and consistently comfort and reassure their children. Here is some guidance on how parents can handle bedwetting during common overnight occasions.

Making wellness programs work for your wallet and lifestyle

Staying well through preventive steps is cheaper, healthier and easier for everyone than waiting until a health condition becomes an issue. From the government to your own employer, many organizations spend millions of dollars every year on wellness programs aimed at supporting individuals’ efforts to stay healthy. These programs can be a great tool if they are easy to use, engaging, and provide reliable, understandable information on wellness.

Hiring tips to help avoid nanny nightmares

Movie nannies might work for a spoonful of sugar, and hugs and kisses, but in the real world nannies – no matter how loving and attentive they are – need to get paid a salary. When you’re ready to hire a nanny, you can go through the most rigorous background checks, confirm references, interview extensively and hire the caregiver of your dreams – and still find yourself in the middle of a nanny nightmare if you run afoul of tax laws.