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Planning your next vacation? Think about a tour

Going on vacation can be stressful too: knowing where to go, what to see and how to get there. More often than not, the joy of actually going on vacation takes a backseat to the hassles encountered along the way. That’s where a tour comes in.

Express your love with tech this Valentine’s Day

Whether it’s an excited high-five, a sympathetic squeeze of the shoulder or holding hands while on a date, touch has always been a way for humans to express affection. Now, with advances in today’s technology, we are also using touch to interact with the devices that keep us connected to the ones we love.

What to look for when buying a zero-turn mower

Ever wonder how those lawn-care guys get so much done in a day? They use zero-turn radius mowers that can significantly trim the time and effort involved in cutting grass. If you have a large yard to cut, a zero-turn mower can make your task quicker and easier.

Why going gluten-free doesn’t mean going grain-free

It’s impossible to stroll the aisles in your local supermarket without seeing package after package labeled “gluten-free.” But who really needs a gluten-free diet, and what does it mean to convert your daily diet to be gluten-free?

Travel: cruising 101

If you’re thinking of taking a cruise, there are a lot of options to consider, from the cruise line and style to the destinations, vacation length and types of on-board amenities. Cruising is a fun (and economical) way to see several places in a relatively short amount of time without having to unpack and repack every day. While some “hard-core” travelers may scoff at cruises, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

Rare diseases: Increasing awareness for better patient outcomes

Getting a diagnosis of any cancer can be frightening, but for those diagnosed with a rare cancer, the emotional toll can be much worse. For some of these patients, the journey to a correct diagnosis may take years, and once they receive an accurate diagnosis, it can be extremely difficult for these patients to find accurate information on their disease. One of the first things patients do is research everything they can about their illness, including connecting with someone who is also living with the disease, and learning their options for disease management and treatment.