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Quick tips for getting the most out of your smartphone camera

Today, the majority of adults have a mobile phone, and we’re using it for far more things than simply making phone calls. According to a 2012 report from The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, of the 85 percent of American adults who own a cellphone, 85 percent use their cellphones to take photos. With a few tips and tricks, you’ll be able to take amazing photos with your phone’s camera and impress your friends.

Add fresh grapes for great summer dishes

Grapes from California are in abundant supply throughout the summer which is welcome news for those seeking a healthy, refreshing snack. They’re also a boon to the home cook: grapes provide bright color, a sweet-tart flavor, and a refreshing burst of juice to warm-weather dishes.

Facts matter when your health is at stake

Learning that you have a disease or medical condition can be overwhelming. You need to learn more about your condition. You may get advice from all directions. In the end, you want to understand your treatment options so that you can discuss your choices with your health care provider. But how do you know what information to trust?

Surprising ways hot tubs heat up relationships

Recreating that spark or special connection with your spouse or significant other, free from the distractions of everyday life, isn’t as difficult as you may think. The answer can actually be found in your own backyard.