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How to personalize your backyard with a beautiful concrete path

Paths provide the practical purpose of connecting two or more locations but a well-made walkway that will stand up to years can enrich the natural landscape of a backyard and complement the exterior look of a home.

Renovating? Laying a good foundation for home improvement success

You’ve probably heard the saying: “Your home is your castle.” But if your current home – or the home you’re thinking of buying – feels more like the servant’s quarters than the royal palace, you may need to plan a renovation. At times like these it’s easy to give in to your excitement and get the project moving forward, but take a moment to plan your overall strategy. You’ll find that, much like your future castle, your renovation project will benefit from a solid foundation.

Creating inviting outdoor spaces for entertaining

From barbecues and games of bocce to parties and candlelit dinners, your outdoor space can be a hub for entertaining friends and family. Here’s advice from the experts.

Is your technology working for you?

For every new computer, gadget or service there are several different stages of ownership. Unfortunately, the first and happiest phase – the honeymoon – doesn’t last forever. Eventually, devices can slow, services get outdated, and in the end, the ailing technology begins to work against you.

Tax filing and planning tips for small business owners

With an April 15 tax deadline looming, businesses across the country are preparing to file their 2013 taxes. Tax season can be both an administrative and financial burden. New data reports that only 41 percent of small business owners feel very confident that they are maximizing their tax benefits for the 2013 year, according to a recent Spark Business OmniPulse Survey conducted by Research Now. In fact, 22 percent of business owners plan to file for an extension this year. Statistics suggest that small business owners are faced with a lack of resources and tools when it comes to filing their taxes.

Wow guests with original wedding reception touches

Most brides have a vision of a beautifully decorated and themed wedding reception. Luckily, it is easy to achieve the wedding decor you see in your mind’s eye with a few easy and inexpensive do-it-yourself projects.