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Easy ways to create a home sweet vacation rental home

If you’re planning a family getaway or a trip with a large group of friends, it’s a great opportunity to explore staying at a vacation rental. Consider these expert tips.

National Infant Immunization Week 2014

Immunizations are considered to be one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Over time, successful vaccination campaigns have contributed to the elimination or near-elimination of some diseases in the United States, like polio. But today, rates of some diseases are increasing and could continue to do so if vaccination rates decrease.

Eye-opening facts about aging eyes and vision problems

Most Americans know that vision problems begin to increase as they age. What they may not realize is that reduced vision is also linked to a higher frequency of falls, injuries and depression. Here are some facts and tips for maintaining eye health and vision while aging gracefully.