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Tanzania: the ultimate African safari destination

It’s the trip that tops most travelers’ lifetime dream lists: an African safari. The words themselves evoke a magic that is unmatched, and conjure visions of lions stalking across the savannah and wildebeest running in thundering, vast herds. It’s not uncommon to think that those amazing sights will remain a distant fantasy, but there’s no need to give up on the dream. In fact, it’s easier than ever to make it a reality.

The top 5 experiences you can’t miss on a London tour

If watching all the London-centered festivities of 2012, from the Queen’s Jubilee to the opening ceremonies, whetted your appetite for a trip to England’s capital, rest assured that there’s never been a better time to embark on a London tour. London is a city for the ages, and you’ll find layer upon layer of fascinating history, often right alongside the amenities of a vibrant, modern metropolis.

Take a journey through America’s history on a Washington D.C. tour

While it’s fun to explore the distant corners of the world, American travelers shouldn’t miss the opportunity to experience the richly diverse and historic attractions of their own home country. A Washington D.C tour, for example, is an essential educational and inspirational experience. Exploring the nation’s capital and the surrounding area makes for a memorable trip sure to stir feelings of pride.

The must-see sights for a great Arizona vacation

America’s Southwest captures the minds of travelers from around the globe, and Americans themselves are no exception. Its spectacular landscapes, fascinating history and unique culture make it a legendary getaway. For visitors, deciding what to see can be a bit of a challenge – there are just so many choices. With a little expert guidance, though, your Arizona vacation will include a variety of travel experiences from the national parks to authentic western towns.

Niagara Falls vacation: a natural wonder – and so much more

Even when compared to the many astounding sights the natural world has to offer, Niagara Falls stands out for its spectacular power and beauty. In fact, it’s counted among the seven natural wonders of the world, along with Mount Everest, the Grand Canyon and more. For travelers, a visit is, quite simply, an essential part of any globetrotter’s checklist. While their fame might mean taking them for granted, a Niagara Falls vacation will show you the wonder behind their notoriety.

How to get more out of your Tuscany tour

The Italian region of Tuscany has taken on legendary status for travelers – it’s an absolute must on everyone’s list, whether they love wine, food, history, art or the simple beauty of nature. But with so many attractions, it’s easy to end up feeling like you’re rushing – and still not getting a complete experience. However, savvy travelers know that there are strategies to ensure that you’re maximizing your time while minimizing your stress. One of the best of those strategies is to go on an expertly planned Tuscany tour.

Travel Italy: Five cities that capture the spirit of Italy

Italy has a spellbinding effect on travelers; they fall in love quickly and deeply with the landscapes, the food and the culture. While that can happen virtually anywhere you go in Italy, the ultimate experience comes with traveling around the country, taking in its surprising diversity and depth. If you’re eager to travel Italy, there are five key places that should be on your itinerary.

Start new holiday traditions with family vacations

If you’re looking for a fresh and convenient way to celebrate the holidays, it might be a good time to consider a getaway with the whole family. Choosing a holiday-friendly destination can add an extra element of fun to your holiday get-together, and allow everyone to relax and enjoy each other since nobody needs to host.

Are you sharing your computer data with the world?

When you’re in the middle of conversations with strangers, you probably don’t randomly shout out your salary figure, passwords for your bank accounts, or your Social Security number. So, if you tend to keep this information private in your conversations with strangers, why would you leave all the information available on your computer for strangers to potentially steal?

How to secure your computer against online theft and vandalism

When you shop online, you make certain you’re using secure shopping sites that start with https:// and have a picture of a padlock on the page. You also are very careful to not post personal information on social websites, or to save your passwords in a document on a public computer. So why would you leave your PC open for any hacker or virus developer to infiltrate it via the downloads you make?