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From carnival to Corcovado, check out Rio’s must-see sights

Few cities in South America possess the exotic cache of Rio de Janeiro. And whether you go to savor the excitement of a carnival event or to bask in the solemnity of the towering Christ the Redeemer statue that towers over Brazil’s largest city, a visit to Rio is sure to be one you’ll never forget.

Five tips to make the benefits of working from home work for you

If you’ve ever gotten up in the morning and dreaded the idea of going out in the cold or sitting in rush hour traffic, you’ve probably dreamed of working from home. And years ago, that was all it was, a dream.

Five surprisingly simple ways to turn your current deck into a dream outdoor oasis

It’s easy to dream of perfectly pristine outdoor spaces when looking at the decks in magazines and online, but too often what we want and what we have don’t align. If your deck suffers from weathered wood, loose railings or dated balusters, you’re not alone. The good news is there are surprisingly simple ways to give your deck a facelift and transform it into the outdoor oasis you want in as little as one weekend.

Trim adds decorative new dimensions throughout home interiors

When people think of home trim, they often picture the beauty it brings to exteriors – but the right trim products can add arrestingly elegant and bold decorative elements throughout home interiors, too.

Rare Disease Day 2014: Recognizing rare diseases and empowering patients to become self-advocates

For the past six years, international Rare Disease Day has served as a day on which hundreds of patient advocacy organizations, patients and their loved ones across the globe join together to highlight the importance of continued focus and research on uncommon and serious illnesses. This year, international Rare Disease Day will be held Feb. 28.

For small lawns, choose smart tools that get the job done quickly and store away neatly

Small lawns have many of the same needs and issues as larger lawns, but they don’t always require the same bulky tools to get the job done. A smart arsenal for small lawn care includes some sturdy hand tools and a few small, but powerful, gadgets. If you’re looking to outfit your arsenal, consider these tools.

School lunches are gold mines for recycling, reusing and replenishing

From an early age, children can roll up their sleeves and get involved in helping reduce the amount of trash they produce by participating in recycling programs. Across the country, children will celebrate Earth Day April 22 with science fairs and environmental educational seminars about the importance of recycling. When children start recycling early in life, they’re more likely to continue that behavior as they get older – and pass the practice on to their own kids.

Must-have luxury upgrades for your over-the-top deck

Some home improvements are simply worth a larger investment to achieve outstanding results. The extra investment ensures optimum returns in value, beauty and livability. Indoors, kitchens and baths rate that extra attention. Outdoors, decks are the pinnacle of great home improvements.

First-of-its-kind survey offers rare glimpse of those living with and caring for pancreatic cancer

“You have pancreatic cancer” might be one of the most frightening statements a person can hear from their doctor. Unlike other forms of cancer, pancreatic cancer is rarely caught before it is in an advanced stage and has spread, and the median life expectancy after diagnosis with advanced or metastatic disease is only approximately three to six months.