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Baseball’s Sudden Sam McDowell, 76, still earning saves

Bernie Carbo hit one of the biggest home runs in Boston Red Sox history, a three-run, pinch-hit shot in the bottom of the eighth inning during epic Game 6 of the 1975 World Series. In 1989, Sam McDowell saved his life.

After MLB’s latest hypocritical ruling, Pete Rose doesn’t get it

I always believed Pete Rose to be the little boy who keeps touching the hot stove, even though he has been warned countless times that such a decision will inevitably result in pain. I just don’t think he gets it. Or ever has.

Bryant ‘was raised the right way’

When Kris Bryant was introduced at the All-Star Game and tipped his cap, the guy sitting alongside at Buffalo Wild Wings said the Cubs’€™ rookie third baseman must have grown a good four or five inches since the first time he saw him on a baseball diamond.

Baseball’s hottest prospect makes Mike Bryant the proudest of papas

If Mike Bryant had seen this once, he had seen it a hundred times. Or a thousand, if you go back to Little League and Wiffle Ball: The baseball sailing toward the outfield fence on a long and high arc, easily clearing it, his son Kris breaking into a home run trot.

Bryce Harper should continue to play with reckless abandon

They once gave Pete Reiser last rites at the ballpark. It must have been after one of the 11 times he was carried off a baseball field on a stretcher. Just brought a priest to his side and had the sacrament administered by a man of the cloth.