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Many options to reel in spirited striped bass

Everyone who fishes the lower Colorado River seems to have an opinion on striped bass. Some call them everything but a quality sportfish, while others sing their praises as a fighter and a food source. And there seems to be little middle ground.

Fishing kayak rated best product at trade show

Each year during the International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades (ICAST) Show, industry buyers and members of the outdoor media from around the world get a first-hand look at many of the newest products bound for the sportfishing marketplace. These products, appropriately enough, are displayed in the New Products Showcase.

Plan early if your hunting trip requires airline travel

Though the days of fall may still seem distant, hunting season is fast approaching, and for some of you that will include journeying to other states, or perhaps another country. Such adventures often involve airline travel, which poses some unique challenges for those who will have firearms or bows and arrows in tow.

No fireworks, and be careful with fire in hot, dry wildlands

The bottom line is be careful with fire and anything that might cause a fire as you celebrate our independence. The desert and mountains of the Southwest are like a pile of tinder awaiting a source of ignition.