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NBA stars defy selfish reputations

BEIJING — The most important part came afterward. After the survival. After the midcourt celebration. After they joined arms and stepped forward as one. After the gold medals had been slipped around their necks and the national anthem played and the American flag rose between two others. You always want yours in the middle. It’s where the winner resides.

World sees good, bad aspects of China

BEIJING — The dragon in China reminds its people of another time, when emperors ruled with incomparable knowledge and strength. The panda is a more passive figure, universally adored as an image of innocence.

Great Wall no barrier to lattes, T-shirt stands

SOMEWHERE IN TIME BETWEEN QIN AND MING DYNASTIES — I blogged from the Great Wall on Thursday, sent the text via BlackBerry and stood beside the structure that is more than 2,000 years old in some places while watching people order Starbucks.


There is a certain race for Olympic supremacy here that has become more foregone conclusion than Jamaican sprinters being faster than your next thought. China might not dive away from these Games owning the most medals, but the United States is going to need six or seven extra basketball teams and a few more in softball to be in the same neighborhood when it comes to the shiny gold ones.

China’s unabashed affection for hurdler unfathomable

BEIJING — The woman stood below a silhouette that made Liu Xiang appear larger than life. Perhaps even larger than China, and that’s saying something around these parts. She managed a smile although her heart ached.

No excuse for demise of boxing program

BEIJING — What the United States boxing program has lost in skill, it has replaced with a longtime political maneuver: These guys assign blame like nobody’s business.

NBA stirs China’s passion

BEIJING — The first thing you see when passing through baggage claim at the airport here is Starbucks. The next thing is Kentucky Fried Chicken. They are signs of how for decades now China has embraced Western culture, and how the decision for a Communist Party to eagerly welcome a market economy has transformed the lifestyle of generations.