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Conservationist has lifetime of secrets worth sharing

As a longtime advocate for some of Southern Nevada’s outdoor treasures Robertson was instrumental in the creation of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area in 2002. But in the years since she has grown frustrated by the lack of improvements there.

Interior secretary lauds Las Vegas water chief Mulroy

She wasn’t there to hear it, but outgoing Southern Nevada Water Authority chief Pat Mulroy got a warm send-off Friday from Interior Secretary Sally Jewell at the annual meeting of the Colorado River Water Users Association at Caesars Palace.

EDITORIAL: Speaking of nuclear …

Nevada has blocked the opening of a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. But Nevada might be powerless to stop the U.S. Department of Energy’s announced plan to ship more than 400 containers of nuclear-power fuel waste from Tennessee’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory to the Nevada National Security Site.

In filibuster side fight, Reid, Heller spar over Yucca Mountain

As the dust settled Thursday from Senate Democrats enacting a far-reaching change in filibuster rules, a side tussle broke out between Nevada’s senators over what it might mean for the state’s long fight against Yucca Mountain.

No Yucca Mountain? Then judges say DOE can’t collect nuke waste fees

No Yucca Mountain? No backup plan? Then the Department of Energy can’t force utility customers to pay into a construction fund for a nuclear waste repository that no longer is on the boards, a federal court ruled Tuesday.

NRC sets next moves on Yucca Mountain

Responding to a court order but saying it is light in the wallet, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission set a limited course forward Monday to resume work on the Yucca Mountain project.

Nye County residents vocal on burying nuclear waste in Nevada

A Nye County nuclear waste expert challenged federal energy officials Thursday night on why they plan to bury special uranium bomb material in a landfill at the Nevada National Security Site when the ton of waste at a Tennessee national laboratory is too radioactive to be low level.

DOE: Nuclear waste move to Nevada to start in 2014

Trucks hauling dangerous uranium waste from Tennessee for burial in a landfill at the Nevada National Security Site will begin rolling early next year despite objections from Gov. Brian Sandoval who is powerless to stop them, federal officials said Tuesday.

Court rejects Nevada bid to reconsider Yucca case

A federal court is standing by its decision that the government should resume license hearings for the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site.

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