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For Las Vegas business news covering casinos, energy, housing, entrepreneurs and more turn to Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Apartment rental rates climb as jobs market improves

Apartment rents in Las Vegas rose slightly in the first quarter, part of a national trend in which 36 of 41 metropolitan statistical areas showed an increase in rents, California-based RealFacts reported Tuesday.

Observer sees more suffering

For the first time in 27 years, the International Builders Show won’t feature The New American Home, a showcase of the latest home-building concepts, materials and construction techniques that eventually find their way into production homes across the nation. … The home being built by Domanico Custom Homes of Las Vegas was on schedule for completion in time for the industry trade show that runs through Friday at the Las Vegas Convention Center. … Then it got caught up in the credit crisis that has hammered the home-building industry. The private lender that was financing the project ran into its own credit problems and had to withdraw funding. … That’s a pretty good indication of what lies ahead for homebuilders in 2010 and beyond.

Foreclosure wave continues

WASHINGTON — The foreclosure crisis likely will persist well into next year as high unemployment pushes more people out of homes, pulls down housing prices and raises concerns about the broader economic recovery.

Race is on to qualify for credit

Las Vegas Realtor David Brownell is telling first-time homebuyers they need to be under contract within the next 30 days to take advantage of the $8,000 tax credit set to expire Dec. 1.

Las Vegas Average Gas Prices
Source: AAA