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Show Us Your Purse

■ Who? Brandi Farra, 2010 Fighters Only World Mixed Martial Arts Awards associate producer and graphic designer

■ Location: Farra-Reis Sports Entertainment office

■ Handbag: Coach leather pleated gallery tote bag

■ Are handbags status symbols? Absolutely. A handbag shows how much disposable income a woman has to spend on things like fashion accessories. Whether it's a pricey bag or a pair of Chanel earrings.

■ What does this bag say about you? I'm girly, I'm practical, I like nice things, but I'm not over the top. It's a conservative bag, but shows I like a little flair with the color.

■ If someone found your bag and looked inside, what would they think of you? That I'm petite due to the size of my little rolled up sweater and that I am always on the go with all of my tiny portable technology I carry around.

■ What's the most important item you've carried in your bag? My engagement ring while getting a manicure.

■ What's the strangest item you've carried in your bag? An autographed copy of Forrest Griffin's book, "Be Ready When the Sh*t Goes Down: A Survival Guide to the Apocalypse." Wouldn't be so strange, except he's half-naked on the cover so when I would open up my bag to get my wallet I would often get strange looks. But hey, it's a good book.

■ Tell us about the first special bag you owned. Being a Southern gal, moving to Las Vegas required the purchase of a "big city purse." The purse I'm carrying is my first special bag. When I turned 30 my husband purchased me three pieces of Coach to celebrate three decades of life. This purse was my favorite.

■ Knockoffs: Love 'em or hate 'em? Used to love 'em, but now I save my money to buy the real ones. Knockoffs wear out too fast. You get what you pay for!

■ Image is ... a person establishing their own personal brand. It's the reflection of who they want to be.

■ What's in your bag? 1. iPad, 2. Mini tri-scale, 3. Ear plugs, 4. Farrah Fawcett $5 casino chips, 5. Candy, 6. Sweater.

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