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Watch out for this Social Security scam

Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley advised Americans not to fall “this stunt” regarding a cost-of-living adjustment.

2 heart attacks spur former Air Force cop to mellow out

Jim Henry, a retired Air Force security policeman, has had two heart attacks and is doing all he can to prevent a third. He’s changed his diet, and taken up new hobbies, including model railroading.

Douglas Cox trained Trump’s people to be successful

Henderson resident Douglas Cox has been a performer, an administrator and a motivational trainer — the man that President-elect Donald J. Trump used to motivate his employees to do their best. He now has a message for people 50-100: Remember that what you do is important every day of your life.

Tsunami of Alzheimer’s hitting baby boomers

Jeffrey Klein, CEO of Nevada Senior Services, says Las Vegas already needs more than the two nonprofit adult day-care facilities where baby boomers drop off older loved ones or are dropped off themselves.

Go public to keep pounds off, Henderson Hospital CEO urges

Sam Kaufman,now the CEO of the new Henderson Hospital, said he originally went public with his weight loss surgery to help others gain the courage to take care of their weight problems. He now says that going public helped him as well, by putting a positive pressure on himself to succeed.

Las Vegas doctor Dale Carrison has a background like no other

Dr. Dale Carrison is 77 and still going strong. An admitted screw-up as a young man, he become a sheriff’s deputy and an FBI agent, then an auto parts salesman. A monster midlife crisis turned him into a doctor.

Doctor sees window closing for Alzheimer’s treatment

Dr. Jeffrey Cummings, medical director of the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Disease, says the 2025 target date for coming up with drugs to prevent or treat Alzheimer’s is in jeopardy.

Giving the gift of life — that’s what friends are for

After Brandon Moran came down with an illness that forced him onto dialysis, his friend Jacob McCulloch decided to see if he could donate a kidney to Moran, which would allow him to live a normal life.

Hero Sully Sullenberger makes a strong argument against ageism

After Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger successfully landed a huge airliner on the Hudson River in New York, he explained that his experience, education and training made the difference. That landing saved a 155 lives.

Every day’s a victory for Team Hammond

Brian and Nicole Hammond are kindred spirits. They never saw themselves as either foster or adoptive parents, yet that’s what they became, adopting six children born to drug-addicted mothers.

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