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Phyllis Smith goes for the joy even in Sadness

The 74-year-old actor gets emotional about returning to the role of Sadness in the much-anticipated sequel “Inside Out 2.”

Bad handwriting could cost doctor his license

Dr. James Gabroy has a sterling record. No malpractice cases, no professional hiccups. Until now. A complaint was made against his penmanship. Though his alleged bad handwriting could cost him his license, on top of the $70,000 he’s already spent defending himself.

Don’t rush into retirement

It can drive you half crazy — deciding whether to retire. And if you do decide to retire, and then realize you weren’t ready, it’s quite possible you’ll feel like you’ve gone completely mad.

Boomers’ activity, weight, account for more knee replacements

Dr. Todd Swanson, a longtime surgeon in Las Vegas, says increased activity bybaby boomers, coupled with obesity, is fueling the increase in knee replacement surgery. The number of Americans getting the surgery is expected to jump from 600,000 a year to more than 3 milliion by 2030.

Boomers turn dreams into business opportunities

Work experience, coupled with equity and/or wealth already in place, are reasons boomers find they’re in the right position to start a business.

If technology throws millions of truckers out of work, is that a good thing?

In order to provide a solid future for their children, Fabian Coleman and his wife, Nina, have saved money so he can go to truck driving school and buy his own truck. Now he worries that technology could end his dream and throw millions of truckers out work.

The theory that was proved correct and put Dr. Dipak Desai behind bars

On February 27, 2008, after announcing at a news conference that tens of thousands of Southern Nevadans would have to be tested for hepatitis C and HIV, the young man who’d never been the focus of public attention would find himself thrust into the public eye for years.

New trauma centers could do more harm than good

When Southern Nevada Health District board members vote later this month on whether more Level III trauma centers should be opened in Clark County, what happened to Giulian Grasso should be taken into consideration.

Boomers try to rediscover love

Many single baby boomers have made a choice to try and rediscover love, to try and start out on a new path in life with a fascinating new someone.

Overworked caregivers should seek help

Andra Quinn saw the stress her mother experienced caring for her seriously ill father, who has now passed away. She’s decided she will not go it alone if her mother ever needs her as caregiver.

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