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Fig trees need ample water while producing fruit

We are quickly approaching temperatures (and wind) that require watering figs three times a week. The higher temperatures demand more water for production to continue.

16 great ways to trick yourself into saving money

Cutting back on your expenses is a great way to start saving money. However, if you’re searching for ways to tuck away a bit of extra savings, these 16 tricks might be the solutions to your saving problems.

May sound great on paper, but business ideas that are likely duds

For many individuals, starting a business is an exciting idea. Others, who may have lost a job during the coronavirus pandemic, may consider it a necessity. Before you take the plunge, however, you should be sure to thoroughly research your options.

5 price increases to expect on your summer vacation

Last summer, you were forced to cancel your vacation because of the pandemic. Now that COVID-19 cases are on the decline, you’re ready to get out of town — and so is everyone else.

Investing in cannabis: What to know before you begin

Cannabis is legal-ish in much of the nation now, creating new opportunities for investors. Kiplinger’s recently talked to Matt Hawkins, partner at Entourage Effect Capital, who’s firm has committed $200 million in 68 different legal cannabis investments, most of which are private companies.

How to support your small businesses during COVID-19

A Yelp report from September 2020 found that over 163,000 small businesses had closed at some point during the pandemic, with nearly 98,000 closing permanently.

How much does it cost to go to Disney World now?

GOBankingRates looked at the cost of travel, hotel stays and tickets to give would-be visitors a look at just how much it costs to take a trip to “the most magical place on Earth.”

Figuring your post-pandemic savings plan

For many Americans, the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic ran to two different extremes. Those who couldn’t work because of lockdown-related business closures, or who saw their wages diminish due to reduced hours, might have faced financial devastation in the form of drained bank accounts and mounting debt.

Homeowner stimulus checks: How to get money from this $10B fund

Although the future of a fourth stimulus check is uncertain, there is still a huge chunk of money homeowners can tap into to get relief if they are struggling with housing expenses. While lesser-known, the Homeowners Assistance Fund provides billions of dollars to homeowners to prevent them from losing their homes.

4th stimulus checks rumors run rampant

New developments support the unlikelihood that further stimulus payments will be not approved, even though more and more legislators have joined the push for a fourth, and even fifth round of checks.

Don’t miss these Memorial Day sales, deals and freebies

Memorial Day weekend has become the unofficial start of summer and retailers have responded with sales, discounts and deals associated with the start of the season.

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