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Anti-Defamation League condemns men clad in KKK robes at valley caucus location

The Anti-Defamation League on Wednesday condemned the men clad in what appeared to be Ku Klux Klan robes outside of a valley caucus site Tuesday night, calling it a "racist display."

It was unclear Tuesday whether the men were actually affiliated with the Klan. Clark County School District police did not identify the men and the Klan's active group in Nevada did not return a request for comment.

School police were already at the Cimarron-Memorial High School caucus site that night, near Smoke Ranch Road and Tenaya Way, when the men showed up holding signs that read "PRESIDENT TRUMP PUT UP THAT WALL??" and "TRUMP 2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

The Metropolitan Police Department was also called to the scene by someone at the site. School police Capt. Ken Young said the men were escorted from the property and told not to return at about 6 p.m., but were not issued a citation.

"They did not break any laws, they just created some cause for concern," Young said. "The officers quickly attended to the gentlemen so there was no disruption."

On Wednesday, the Anti-Defamation League in a statement said it "firmly opposes the display of hate that took place Tuesday night."

"Regardless of one's political views, trying to send a message by dressing up as a member of the KKK is irresponsible and deeply offensive," the statement continued. "There are numerous other ways people can legitimately express their views without resorting to such unseemly tactics. The Klan evokes a particularly dark time in American history and the use of Klan imagery to criticize a candidate is simply unacceptable."

Contact Rachel Crosby at rcrosby@reviewjournal.com or 702-387-5290. Find her on Twitter: @rachelacrosby

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