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New housing authority commissioners often absent from meetings

Two new commissioners to the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority — Henderson City Councilman Dan Shaw and Las Vegas City Councilman Ricki Barlow — have missed numerous meetings in their first months on the job.

CCSD board asked to revisit outsourcing custodial services

In a litmus test of the state-mandated Clark County School District reorganization, a school leadership team is asking the School Board to reconsider its rejection of principals’ request to hire outside vendors for custodial services.

Clark County principals, in survey, say they want more control

In school district survey, school administrators say they would like control over more areas, everything from hours the custodians work to whether they use district tech support to fix computers.

CCSD survey reveals split on use of social media, texting

Survey results on school district’s draft policy indicate many parents, educators are divided on whether there is such a thing as appropriate texting between teachers and students.