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Happy retirement to a real broadcast pro

This being April Fool’s Day, how I wish the subject of this column was only a put-up job with a “just kidding” punchline at the end. Sadly for all of us, it’s not.

EDITORIAL: Gun prohibition not a solution

Australia’s gun-control program, heralded by Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama, is not worth mirroring here in the U.S.

Guns at political conventions? Sure, why not?

Leave it to those humorless, sunglasses-wearing, sleeve-talking killjoys at the U.S. Secret Service to take all the fun out of a political convention.

EDITORIAL: Voting with their feet

Clark County’s population upswing is a sign of voters moving to better tax policy, economic opportunity.

EDITORIAL: IRS foot-dragging

The IRS continues to stonewall by holding up requested information in the class action lawsuit filed by conservative groups the agency targeted.

EDITORIAL: The vacuous VA

The Department of Veterans Affairs continually fails to fire bad employees.

EDITORIAL: Passenger pickup pleaser

McCarran International Airport’s drive-thru passenger pick-up area is actually a pretty helpful tool, but it’s always been a tricky dance for drivers. That doesn’t have to be the case any longer.

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