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Donald Trump’s paranoia is showing

Once again, Donald Trump has displayed his inability to deal with his paranoia, which is a mental disorder marked by irrational suspicion. This regards to people who attack his legitimacy or credibility. Every time anyone does this, he personally attacks by going for the throat.

His latest attack is threatening to rescind the top-secret clearances held by a number of government officials. He is proving once more that no one is permitted to disagree or challenge him, even if they are correct.

He has gone bonkers since election night trying to discredit the popular vote so he can prove he was elected by the majority of the voting public. He was not. Whether you believe in the legitimacy of the Trump presidency is immaterial. The hard facts tell the truth. He simply did not win the popular vote. Hillary Clinton won by more than 2.9 million votes. Mr. Trump is the president because of gerrymandering, which allowed the Electoral College to put him in office.

Gerrymandering is a serious danger to or democracy. Democrats and Republicans alike must take steps to do away with gerrymandering and give us back a legitimate voting system. It’s an unfair system that allows voting districts to be re-aligned at the whim of a political party. I hear hard-core Republicans complaining this will give Democrats an advantage. Really? What do they think gerrymandering did for the GOP this time?

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