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LETTER: Boiling blood over animal cruelty

It’s very discouraging to keep reading about the dog abuse that continually takes place in Las Vegas (“Canine dies despite lifesaving measures,” Sunday Review-Journal). It’s incomprehensible for most normal people to understand why this keeps happening.

What kind of person could put an animal in a sealed plastic container and leave it in the sun to die that kind of death? I guess the same kind of person, described in an RJ article not too long ago, who put her two dogs in a locked kennel and then left for a vacation … for three weeks. Of course, both dogs perished.

Maybe one reason this behavior continues is that there is no real deterrent for it. From what I read, the person who did the latter received probation from the court. Probation, for leaving two dogs locked in a kennel to suffer a horrendous death. Shame on that judge. One way a civilized society can be judged is by how it treats lesser creatures — and this society rates very poorly.

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