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LETTER: Democrats perpetrated a hoax on the American people

Before anyone opts to vote for a Democrat, they should read Ted Rall’s excellent commentary on “Operation Hidin’ Biden” that appeared in Tuesday’s Review-Journal. It’s been clear for several years that Joe Biden was declining mentally. It was somewhat apparent even during the 2020 election. Remember Joe campaigning from his basement? It wasn’t solely due to COVID; his increasing dementia was also at play. But the power-driven Democratic elite, using the biased media and job-protecting Democrat politicians, convinced most voters that Joe was just being Joe.

In fact, they carried on with this spoof all the way until the debate this year when it was obvious the emperor had no clothes. They couldn’t hide his mental failings any longer. And this cadre of supporters would have you believe this was a very recent occurrence.

The reality is that Democrats have played us for fools and have shown a complete lack of concern for the good of our country in order to maintain power. They haven’t cared one whit that we had a president who didn’t have the mental acuity to lead a band, much less the free world. While Kamala Harris sits near the top of this selfish group, all Democrats are tainted.

Is it Mr. Biden’s fault that he is often called the worst president in modern history? He wouldn’t know.

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