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LETTER: Does school board member still live in her district?

In regard to your June 4 article, “School trustee isn’t at home?”: Trustee Katie Williams must resign her position on the school board. It’s simple. According to Nevada law, she must live in her district. According to your article, she now works for a law office full time in Nebraska.

For most of the past school year, she has phoned in to meetings and rarely attended in person. So she is not available to meet with parents or students in her district. When contacted about resigning she said, “This is political theater.” Constituents in her district are rightly concerned about her lack of interest in doing her job and being available to them to discuss concerns. Apparently, though, some board members are not concerned. They want her vote to bolster their agenda.

I’m aware she is not running for re-election in November, but I expect our district attorney to remove Ms. Williams from her position so that an interim appointment can be made to fill the remainder of her term. Rules are important, and it would appear that Ms. Williams thinks they do not apply to her.

As a resident within her district, I expect her to either resign or be legally removed.

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