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LETTER: I can’t hear you!

I was pleased to learn of the recent decision to ban commercial overflights of the Canyon de Chelly National Monument, joining other areas that have taken similar action to preserve their serenity and natural beauty (Dec. 21 Review-Journal). There is a related local issue that needs attention: the practice of aerial dogfighting over the Red Rock escarpment.

Aerial dogfighting is worse than overflights. The planes involved are intentionally made to be louder and, due to their maneuvering, they linger in the skies for long periods, disturbing the quiet that so many of us come to experience. On one occasion, I timed the intervals between planes —returning every 20 minutes. When you factor in the dwell time, these aircraft dominate the landscape, leaving little room for the peaceful enjoyment of our public lands.

It’s troubling to think that a thrill ride for one or two customers is prioritized over the peace and tranquility of the hundreds of people visiting the canyons at the same time to connect with the beauty and majesty of the landscape. Local communities, too, feel the impact of this noise pollution.

There are ample less-visited public lands where aerial dogfighting could take place without impacting these areas. We should be collectively experiencing our national treasures quietly, not sacrificing them for the fleeting and disruptive enjoyment of the few. I urge officials to consider a ban on aerial dogfighting over and around the Red Rock escarpment.

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