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LETTER: Into the weeds on JFK assassination

Regarding Rick Lowry’s very cavalier claim that the “JFK assassination is an uncomplicated murder case” (Tuesday Review-Journal commentary): His entire presentation reads as if it came from a “Classic’s Illustrated” comic. He reduces the event to a (wrong) conclusion in a mere several hundred word continuation of myth.

Having been a student of this moment in our county’s history, starting long before Mr. Lowry was even born, I’ve consumed nearly everything ever written about the assassination. I wonder if he is even aware that literally many hundreds of thousands of pages have been written after intense investigations on those few moments?

His statement that “multiple witnesses saw a man with a rifle in the sixth-floor window” no more supports the conclusion that it was Lee Harvey Oswald they saw than Betty White. What reason could he possibly have for wanting to convince folks that the multitude of other witnesses, including seasoned law enforcement, who were certain, under oath, that shots also came from other directions?

Real evidence, supported by modern forensics supports more than three shots. There is an incredible list of anomalies, mistakes, cover ups and fictional explanations meant to support the Warren Commission’s unbelievable findings. I’ll leave it with this as a question to Mr. Lowry: Without a fraction of hesitation, I would bet my life that Oswald was no lone gunman. Would Mr. Lowry?

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