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LETTER: Kyle Canyon Road and safety hazards

Reading the recent Review-Journal article regarding the city of Las Vegas’s new master plan (“Las Vegas has big plans for ‘fast-growing’ Kyle Canyon area”) a reader might think this to be good news to the residents of Kyle Canyon. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The city has allowed the developer to sell these newly developed homes without repairing Kyle Canyon Road to its former rough, but serviceable, condition and without completing off-site or right-of-way improvements. Now, it has the new residents merging onto the 55 mph traffic that is the normal speed for this stretch of road. On the weekends, when recreational use of Kyle Canyon is most popular, the speeds are higher.

Many of the new residents merging onto Kyle Canyon Road prefer to get a running start and don’t even stop at the stop sign. Hard braking to avoid them is a daily occurrence. Near misses are the norm.

Heaven forbid that the city of Las Vegas would actually put citizen safety above developer dollars and require that the safe operation of roadways should always remain a top priority.

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