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LETTER: Sonia Sotomayor, retirement and race

I am most disheartened by Ruben Navarrette’s April 17 e-commentary in support of Justice Sonia Sotomayor. I wonder how he might feel if Justice Sotomayor were white or Black or Asian? Using race in his defense of her tenure rather than the depth of her opinions? The color of your skin does not define your character or competence. Using race to justify or condemn the action of others is simply wrong and, some would say, the definition of racism. This must end. We are all one people.

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LETTER: The new democracy

Democratic elites will force a candidate on the masses.

LETTER: A Trump miracle?

Victor Joecks’ assertion that God specifically intervened for Donald Trump (he actually called it a miracle) but allowed Corey Comperatore to be killed is absurd blasphemy and a perversion of scripture.

LETTER: Shame is powerful tool

At least half a dozen people should have resigned already over the recent Trump assassination attempt. Or they should have been fired in disgrace and dishonor.

LETTER: Another Biden success story

So glad to hear that our military considers this huge taxpayer-funded boondoggle such a success.