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LETTER: Yes, Hamas must be eliminated

I agree with your Tuesday editorial, and with Israel, that Hamas should be eliminated.

But the worldwide protests and the Biden administration are trying to address the indiscriminate killing of tens of thousands of children and the displacement of millions of people. A billion or so people are simply supporting common sense and humanity, not Hamas.

It seems disingenuous, at best, to dismiss humanitarian concerns and to equate those concerns with support of terrorists.

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LETTER: Is women’s health all about abortion?

There are more recent reports from the CDC and others that paint an even worse picture, but the message is clear: We need to start being concerned with real “women’s health ” issues — and it is not abortion.

LETTER: “No taxes on tip” ploy unfair to other workers

People who only get a paycheck have to be thinking: “Why will these other people be paying no taxes on up to 75 percent of their earnings, while we are getting taxed on our whole paycheck?”

LETTER: Trump and the Purple Heart

A Purple Heart is awarded only to those individuals who sustain injury or are killed in the course of performing duties while a “member of an armed force” or to a civilian who is injured or killed while serving “with one of the U.S. Armed Services.”