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Unions, politics and the democratic way

Wow. Letter writer Bob Ranfone (“Union puppets,” Nov. 12) sure sounds like someone who either could not get in the union or could not maintain the standards. Let me explain a few things about the workings of a union.

During election years, the union forms PAC committees made up of rank-and-file members. These committees invite candidates to come in for interviews regardless of their political affiliation. They are all asked the same questions. When the interviews are over, they go through them and then agree on which candidates to recommend to the general membership so they can vote on whom to endorse.

This is the democratic way, and I for one see no strings attached.

Mr. Ranfone’s dislike for unions in no way gives him the right to condemn a process he knows nothing about. The unions in this state have had very good relationships with employers of all types for many years, despite the fact it’s a right-to-work state. Through the democratic process, they have secured fair wages and benefits for their members.

I invite Mr. Ranfone down to the union hall next election so he can see how it really works. He won’t find a puppet or a string anywhere.

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