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Youth anti-gun protesters demonstrate a maturity beyond their years

I am an octogenarian health care professional with more than 50 years of real-life experiences. Human psychology, sometimes referred to as “herd mentality,” is a fascinating study with a great potential for good. It has been an instrument of change (good and bad) in countries following democratic Western principles such as ours, and in countries under very controlled dictatorships such as Russia, North Korea, Syria, Iran and Venezuela.

The peaceful, emotional outpouring for “rule of reason” against violence in our country on Saturday brought me to tears. Our youth demonstrated maturity beyond their years — without regard to ethnicity, economic status, color, gender or religion. There was no evidence of violence or obstruction; no tanks, soldiers or water cannons. It was a measured call for positive improvements.

The youth are not waiting for midterm elections. They have contacted key legislators to lobby for immediately needed legislative action. They deserve our very loud approval and support. I am begging the voters to not let them down.

In listening to the media the morning after, I heard reservations about who is behind the outpouring, and speculation about motives and personal gains. Don’t let this rhetoric become a political distraction or polarizing ploy. The majority of the country (by current polling) is with the core demands for nonviolence by our youth. Let’s support them with action and votes.

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