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COMMENTARY: There’s a deal to made on the border wall

There is a wall deal to be done. If Democrats actually loved America and cared about the safety of our children, it could get done. But it’s clear they don’t.

A deal is there for the taking. Before there was President Donald Trump, there was dealmaker extraordinaire Trump. That Trump wrote “The Art of the Deal.” That Trump loves to negotiate. That Trump understands how to get a deal done. That Trump understands both sides need to win something.

I’ve got that deal. But first a few thoughts.

As I write this, the government has been shut down for five days. Anyone notice? Me neither. Time flies when you’re having fun! Government is shut down and it doesn’t affect most of us one bit. That’s why they call it “nonessential.” Maybe we should learn a lesson and fire these “nonessential” employees permanently.

On to the economy. Retail sales figures are out for Christmas. They are the best in many years. American consumers are buying like crazy. The media and economic “experts” preach doom and gloom all day about a collapsing stock market and a coming recession. Yet the Trump economic boom won’t cooperate. Retail sales are soaring. In the middle of a stock market crash. Gross domestic product is down slightly. But it’s still 3.4 percent — that’s still double Obama’s typical GDP. You can’t stop Trump.

And that is precisely why liberals, D.C. Swampers, Deep Staters, “Never Trumpers,” the liberal media and even the GOP establishment are so bitter, angry, hateful and negative toward Trump. They’re jealous. None of them could produce what Trump produced.

Finally, we have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She compared illegal alien migrants trying to break into America to baby Jesus. Here’s the truth in the real world, not the airy-fairy, make-believe world of socialists. The odds of finding another baby Jesus among the illegals invading America are zero. But the odds that among the illegal alien mobs are some gang members, drug traffickers and other criminals are 100 percent.

We need the wall — along with billions of dollars in high-tech surveillance equipment and thousands of new border agents. It’s not either/or. We need all of it. So here’s the deal. It’s a win-win.

Part I. We (Trump, me and the GOP) get full funding for the wall. Democrats get full funding for the new Hudson River tunnel in New York. Everyone wins. We all get something we want.

Part II. We end chain migration, the visa lottery and birthright citizenship. Adios. Democrats get a deal for the Dreamers. They get to stay. We all get something we want.

Everyone wins. It’s that simple. That’s the deal to be done. But we all know Democrats won’t do it. They have no interest in a deal. They need open borders to win elections.

Thus, Trump has two options to make it happen. Either use an executive order declaring a national security emergency and re-assign $25 billion from the military budget or pass it out of the Senate using “budget reconciliation.” That requires only 51 votes to pass. Case closed. We get our wall. Dems get nothing in return. You decide.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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