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EDITORIAL: Biden’s sea of red ink

The CBO said that it expects this year’s federal deficit to hit $2 trillion, almost $400 billion higher than the original estimate it released — and Biden boasted about — earlier.

We want roads, so we’ve got to pay taxes

The commission heard about 2½ hours of debate Tuesday on whether to increase the fuel tax in the county by about 3 cents per year over the next three years.

Governor’s ticket hits bump

Last week, the best-laid plans of Gov. Brian Sandoval were interrupted — just slightly — with the announcement that former state Sen. Sue Lowden was thinking of entering the race for lieutenant governor.

A special session? Who saw that coming?

The 2013 Legislature ended the way most sessions do: With an unnecessary, entirely predictable special session to finish the work left undone by the constitutional midnight deadline.

Are we ready for ‘Madam President’?

In 2008, many people were enthusiastic about the prospects of then-U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton becoming the nation’s first female president.

Moderate gun control is all we can hope for

Let me begin with a bold assumption: If the thunderous voice of God himself, clothed in smoke and fire from atop Mount Sinai, commanding “thou shalt do no murder,” is not enough to stay the hand of human evil, then a law passed by the United States Congress isn’t going to do the trick.

Thus saith the Lord

Recently, the Rev. Billy Graham’s organization bought full-page ads in major newspapers – including the Review-Journal – encouraging people to vote for “biblical principles.”

What do I really want our country to be?

Recently on Facebook, I noticed a post from a conservative friend: “I would like someone out there to ask an ACLU-loving, radical liberal what they [sic] really want our country to be. It would be very interesting to hear it from their own lips what their twisted view of freedom is!”

Making a tough call

In a perfect world, newly appointed District Attorney Steve Wolfson would not have learned of the police assault of diabetic Henderson motorist Adam Greene from the media.

Caucus politicking part of bigger drama

For all the pride Iowa takes in its first-in-the-nation caucus, for all the attention the state’s voters get from candidates, for all of the column inches and broadcast hours consumed by reporting stories before, during and after voting, the impact is almost entirely rhetorical.

Flipping hypocrisy

Finding hypocrisy in politics is about as difficult as finding drunks in a bar, so detailing each and every double-standard could fill the entire newspaper. But sometimes, one stands out enough to deserve a little extra scrutiny.