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Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas not allowed to compete in Olympics

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas failed in her challenge against rules that stop her from competing in elite women’s races because judges ruled she did not have standing to bring the case.

9 reasons Putin is glad the Olympics are over

It seems as if most of the news coming out of Sochi over the past two weeks has been the stuff that has probably given Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin a bit of a headache. Here are 9 reasons he’s probably glad to have the Games behind him.

Going for gold: Olympic ad winners and losers

The pressure to win during the 2014 Sochi Olympics is nearly as intense for marketers as it is for the athletes themselves.

5 offbeat stories that will make you care about the Olympics

The double toilet in Sochi may have captured the Internet’s attention this week, but it’s not the only quirky Olympic thing to go viral this week. Here are five of our favorites.

Pistorius’ London glory a distant memory

I always will remember the 80,000 strong, rising and cheering and shaking Olympic Stadium to its foundation.