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LETTER: Former City Councilman warned about Badlands fiasco

“If the City Council does not allow the developer to build as allowed by current zoning, the developer can sue the city to force the taxpayers to buy the golf course land from him.” These prescient words were spoken by and reiterated on Bob Beers campaign website in 2016 when he was a Las Vegas city councilman. If only they had been heeded, the taxpayers of Las Vegas would not be on the hook for what could approach a $500 million judgment.

I voted for Mr. Beers every time he was on the ballot. He was a true guardian of the people’s money and an upstanding public servant.

But the City Council in 2017 unwisely voted not to allow the developer his right to build on property that he purchased and that was zoned for development. Some council members had a misplaced hope that the whole debacle would somehow blow over. It’s too bad the resulting high-dollar judgment can’t be passed on to them instead of the city residents who put their trust in them.

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LETTER: Immigrant voters may swing future elections

When you take into account that one of Kamala Harris’s main objectives is a “direct path to citizenship,” how many illegal immigrants will one day vote in general elections?

LETTER: The media keeps Harris’ secrets safe

The media is supporting the vice president’s lack of positions on important issues that voters should know about.

LETTER: We were already fooled once

Kamala Harris’ history tells us she is even more of a left-wing liberal than Joe Biden.

LETTER: Time to address lithium battery fires

Electric vehicles are transporting these lithium-ion batteries every time they go somewhere. Let’s limit their charge to 30 percent, just to be safe.

LETTER: Free speech shouldn’t apply to Trump

We Americans have a free speech law problem. Free speech should never apply when it is trying to accomplish doing away with our democracy.

LETTER: Get the national anthem right

Persons selected to sing the “Star Spangled Banner” in public should be vetted.

LETTER: Harris’ inflation promises fall flat

I wonder why she and the administration haven’t done anything in the past 3½ years to help the small-business owners during that time.