Colts put other stats before 16-0

The Colts abandoned their quest for a perfect season in Week 16, when the New York Jets rallied for a 29-15 victory after Indianapolis decided to pull star quarterback Peyton Manning and several other starters in the third quarter.

Megafight parties mum on talks

Representatives for Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. abided by a mediator’s gag order Tuesday after meeting for nine hours in a desperate attempt to rescue the lucrative March 13 welterweight megafight in Las Vegas.



Now it gets tough for Rebels

Listen closely. You can hear it. It has happened each time UNLV’s basketball team lost a game the last few years.

Cougars star makes name for himself

PROVO, Utah — It was apparent early in his career that Brigham Young guard Jimmer Fredette was a future star. His game, similar to his unique first name, made an impression.



Brothel to get the bucks

For the Shady Lady Ranch brothel, this is where the rubber meets the road.

Anger clung to shooter

Johnny Lee Wicks’ violent streak showed itself long before he walked into the federal courthouse in Las Vegas on Monday and opened fire with a shotgun.
The 66-year-old, who was shot dead after a running gunfight with authorities, served time in prison three decades ago for killing his brother with a shotgun in Memphis, Tenn.

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17-year-old running from two pursuers shot, killed

An altercation outside an apartment complex near Lake Mead and Jones boulevards turned deadly Tuesday morning when a man shot and killed a 17-year-old boy in a street chase.

Boxer’s treatment costs spur look at injury fund

The creation of a fund earmarked for catastrophic injuries to boxers and martial arts fighters is being studied by the Nevada Athletic Commission, its chairwoman said Tuesday.

Agassi writer tells of Sampras clash

Among the stories that didn’t make the cut in Andre Agassi‘s book “Open” was father Mike Agassi‘s confrontation with Pete Sampras during a match.

Shattered glass, bullet holes mark schoolhouse

A stray bullet shattered a glass partition of Randy Lavigne’s office at the Historic Fifth Street School as law enforcement gunned down Monday’s federal courthouse shooter.

Housing agency still in limbo

The North Las Vegas Housing Authority missed an end-of-year deadline to resolve its millions of dollars in debt, leaving the troubled agency’s future in limbo.

Traffic deaths fall for fourth year in a row

CARSON CITY — In a year dominated by news of high unemployment, the recession and declining tax revenue, Nevada fared well in one important area: Far fewer people died in highway accidents in 2009.

Commissioners OK layoffs

Clark County commissioners acted tense as they voted Tuesday to reduce staffing in the coming months and revamp the beleaguered University Medical Center.


• A story about courthouse security in Tuesday’s edition should have stated that no private security contractors are used at the Clark County Regional Justice Center for screening members of the public as they enter the building.

Commissioners adopt pet sterilization rule

Pet owners in Clark County’s jurisdiction have until mid-May to sterilize cats and dogs older than 4 months or face misdemeanor charges.

Former judge returns to Family Court bench

CARSON CITY — Fewer than two months after he was removed from the bench by the Supreme Court, Robert Teuton was reappointed Tuesday as a Family Court judge.

New Year’s arrests drop for LV police

Las Vegas police charged 173 people with various crimes during New Year’s Eve celebrations according to statistics released Tuesday.

HOV lanes on ramps really do serve a purpose, officials insist

Ever since the lanes designated for high-occupancy vehicles were placed on U.S. 95, readers have complained about whether they are needed, wondered whether they help with traffic flow and questioned whether they are even enforced. The Nevada Department of Transportation insists these lanes are effective.

Broken promise

Throughout the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama pledged to have the most transparent administration in history, and that his commitment to openness would compel Congress to embrace sunshine over secret dealmaking in reforming health care. “We’ll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies,” Mr. Obama said at one event.

‘So what?’

A group of tax-funded California artists are developing a GPS-enabled cell phone to help dehydrated aliens find water as they enter this country illegally.

Readers offer their wish lists

Regular readers of this column know we tend to accumulate quite a backlog of requests, so let’s start the new year out right (and a happy one to all, by the way) by clearing a whole bunch. The following readers are looking for:

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