Quake causes Berto to back out of fight

The strain of dealing with the Haitian earthquake was too much for Andre Berto, forcing him to withdraw from his fight next week with Shane Mosley at Mandalay Bay. The move could open up a much bigger fight matching Mosley against Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Walker uses star power to hype fight

Herschel Walker is far from the biggest star in mixed martial arts. He is, however, one of the most famous people to legitimately attempt to compete in the sport.

Pitchers’ duel produces tie: Former rivals now friends

Now close friends, Jon Berger and Tyler Lavigne have been trying to top each other since they pitched for rival high schools. Back then they weren’t exactly on speaking terms.

Storm not much of ‘a soaker’

The first storm of a weather system that could bring between 1 to 2 inches of rain this week left little more than a pittance on Monday.

City Council may see pay cut

Because of a budget deficit, city of Las Vegas employees have been asked to take a pay cut over the next two years, and City Council members might share some of that pain.

Cougars convene Friday at Tropicana

Lock up your sons, because Vegas gets invaded Friday night by the 2010 “Cougar convention” at the Tropicana.

Getting relief to Haiti a logistical challenge

Getting donations for Haiti’s earthquake victims hasn’t been difficult. It’s transporting them to those in need that’s the problem.

Commissioners to review proposals for government change

If Clark County commissioners were to follow an advisory panel’s opinions, the government they oversee would change drastically. They would slash jobs and reduce wages. They would turn University Medical Center into a nonprofit hospital and privatize paramedic teams.

Panel to revisit Beltway contract

A federal judge who described Clark County commissioners as “acting corruptly” when they chose a higher-bidding union shop struck a sensitive nerve in an elected body shadowed by a history of malfeasance.

Few take part in foreclosure mediation

Since July, foreclosure has claimed 38,277 Nevada homes, but less than 10 percent of the owners have taken advantage of the state’s innovative Foreclosure Mediation Program, according to the latest statistics provided by Bill Gang, public information officer for the Nevada Supreme Court.

Rental business is booming, but only in Elko

The northeastern Nevada rental market is tight, property managers say, and houses and apartments coming up for rent are being snatched up quickly.

Crush the ‘kickback’

If Republican Scott Brown wins today’s special Senate election in Massachusetts, Democrats’ plans to regulate private health insurance out of existence could be scaled back or scuttled altogether. So long, 60th vote. Hello, filibuster.

Government-run care a failure — just look at UMC

The County Commission is finally waking up to the fact that a government-run and sponsored county hospital is not able to sustain itself to the tune of $140 million in the red per year. The corruption, graft and just plain mishandling of the whole operation are a joke. Their solution? Privatize it.

Florida woman suing over Monte Carlo fire

The first lawsuit associated with the fire at the Monte Carlo has been filed by a Florida woman who claims she suffered permanent injuries due to smoke inhalation associated with the early-morning rooftop blaze on Jan. 25, 2008.

Developer eyes Fontainebleau

San Francisco real estate developer Luke Brugnara, who was denied a gaming license by Nevada casino regulators in 2001, said Monday he would pay up to $200 million for the bankrupt Fontainebleau project.


American Airlines said Monday it is raising its fees on checked bags for passengers buying tickets starting Feb. 1.

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