EDITORIAL: Uncle Sam, land baron

Include new Interior Secretary Sally Jewell among those who want President Barack Obama to bypass Congress whenever it suits his administration.

EDITORIAL: Making public-sector pension benefits public

The Nevada Supreme Court made it clear: The pension benefits of retired government workers are public records. The court’s unanimous ruling Thursday effectively ends decades of wrongful secrecy at the Public Employees Retirement System and finally makes it possible for taxpayers to learn just how much they’re paying the people who no longer work for them.

Compensated via students’ success stories

I don’t know how many times back then I heard the tired phrase, “Teaching is its own reward.” This phrase is most often uttered by those who are underpaying teachers. Or if the aforementioned skinflints wanted to rationalize why teachers are so poorly paid, they might pull out this ancient George Bernard Shaw slight: “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.”

Kit Carson: The legend in the closet

He’s an unlikely American hero, especially in the modern sense.

District in race for more space

All the local discussions about lifting student achievement through class-size reduction, expanded full-day kindergarten, expanded pre-kindergarten and intensified English Language Learner instruction are putting the cart before the horse.

Tips for creating your family’s health history

Dear Savvy Senior: How can I create a family health history? My doctor recently suggested that I make one as a way to predict potential health problems as I get older, but I could use some help. — Getting Old

Thank God for giving us ways to express gratitude

In the eerie glow of my laptop, sitting in a cheap hotel in Green Bay, Wis., I pull up the file containing my last will and testament. It’s addressed to my beloved and to my children, whose duty shall be to execute it, should I encounter the Proverbial Bus.

Someone was put in her place, but not the kid

Ally wants her Ariel doll. I’ve never met Ally, but she’s standing next to me in line at the Orlando International Airport, where, just like at Disney World, there are signs telling people how long they can expect to wait. It will be 15 minutes before we reach the security checkpoint.

St. Pierre keeps belt; Hendricks disagrees

As soon as the bell rang signifying the end of the fifth and final round of his Ultimate Fighting Championship welterweight title bout against Georges St. Pierre on Saturday night, Johny Hendricks celebrated as if he knew he had just taken the belt from the long-reigning champion.

Boss touts bureau’s benefits beyond beefs

The Better Business Bureau has been known for decades as an agency consumers can complain to about shoddy products or services. But the bureau’s other offerings mostly remain a mystery to the public, and George Cartwright aims to change that.

Lane markings draw interest under the sun’s glare

The sun in Las Vegas has a keen sense of knowing exactly when we’re on the freeway and have forgotten our sunglasses at home, doesn’t it? And it takes full advantage of that opportunity to shine its very brightest.

Scouts gather food to fill Salvation Army’s pantry

More than 8,000 Boy Scouts and Scout leaders handed out 425,000 bags and worked 27,000 man hours over the past week for the 25th-annual Scouting for Food Drive in the Las Vegas Valley.

Nails’ Reznor draws fresh blood from old scabs

Two decades ago, Trent Reznor sang of being a 26-year-old on his way to hell, and he sounded as if he was taking the commuter lane, the express route, self-immolating with an anger as fiery hot as the flames of his stated destination.

Loveman: No bankruptcy seen for Caesars Entertainment Corp.

For Gary Loveman, bankruptcy is not an option. Loveman, chairman of Caesars Entertainment Corp., admits the casino operator has “a very complicated capital structure” in carrying the gaming industry’s largest long-term debt figure.

Doctor’s will to help others takes her to Africa

Handling children’s emergencies, whether heart problems, severe allergic reactions, complications from asthma, life-threatening infections or fractures, is what Books, as a pediatric emergency physician, does, what she feels honored to do.

Las Vegas Valley agriculture heyday

OK, so Nevada isn’t the first state anybody is likely to think of when they hear the word “agriculture.” But some tending of crops has been going on here for thousands of years.

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