Gathering remembers late county commissioner liaison

Kimberly K. Bush died on Jan. 7, 2013, of ovarian cancer, but her presence was so strong that dozens of people gathered on Dec. 30 at Mountain Crest Park to observe what would have been her 50th birthday.

Grins, gravitas collide in Wonderheads’ ‘Grim and Fischer’

Think Pixar. That’s what many audiences do when they see Wonderheads at work — and what locals will have the chance to do Saturday when the two-member troupe visits the Charleston Heights Arts Center to perform “Grim and Fischer.”

Palace Station keno employee knits scarves, hats for 100 elementary students

Vicki Evans is a keno writer at Palace Station. For the past several months, she has been knitting scarves and beanies for the children at Bell Elementary School. She is set to donate the 70 knitted items Dec. 20 at Palace Station’s Angel Tree donation event.

BOOM years: Las Vegas witnessed implosions of many closed resorts

Rather than just bash down the Dunes and haul away the scrap, Steve Wynn opted for a spectacular implosion of one of the towers on Oct. 27, 1993, starting a trend that now has claimed about 15 towers.

Photo: Lone Coyote Top Dog

A coyote walks on a small ridge on Wednesday near the Overton Arm of Lake Mead at the Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

Rebels’ Deville Smith delivers ‘spark’

Deville Smith took full advantage of just his fourth start on Wednesday. He will get a fifth at first-place San Diego State on Saturday. He is sure to remain in the lineup for the foreseeable future.

Shredded wood works best as mulch for roses

Master Gardener Helen Brown presents All About Tomatoes at 9 a.m. Saturday at the UNCE orchard in North Las Vegas. Registration for Master Gardener morning classes beginning in March is now underway. For more information on both of these events, call the Master Gardener hotline at 702-257-5555.

Dawn Gibbons’ graceful quiet about marriage resonates loudly at first ladies’ forum

The First Ladies First conversation will be remembered mostly for the hysterical stories the five women told, which showcased their humor, warmth and intelligence. But the Nevada Women’s Legacy event also needs to be remembered for former first lady Dawn Gibbons’ restraint and good taste.

Spruce up your home in the new year

Making a New Year’s resolution is common, and many people set goals for ways to improve themselves. If you have set a goal to lose weight, learn a new skill or get promoted, congratulations. But while you are striving to attain your personal goal, have you ever thought of setting a goal to refresh your home in a way that will have your friends talking?

Snack like a pro on game day

Ted Harper, the team sports dietitian for the New England Patriots, and Bryan Snyder, the team nutrition manager for the Denver Broncos, may be rivals on the field, but when it comes to nutrition, they agree on one thing: pistachios are an ideal snack, whether you’re a professional athlete or an armchair spectator.

Mom was right, you should eat more veggies – here’s how you do it

With the new year upon us, people are thinking about changing their eating habits for the healthier. For many, that means vowing to eat more vegetables; the majority of Americans say they’ve been trying to eat more fruits and vegetables over the past year, according to a poll by the International Food Information Council Foundation. And, with good reason; eating plenty of vegetables and fruits can help ward off heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure and prevent some types of cancer, according to Harvard School of Public Health.

Can you afford a college degree?

For working adults wondering if they should go back to school for a degree – or to upgrade their bachelor’s degree to a master’s – affordability is, today, more important than ever. “How can I afford it?” is often the first question students ask before they enroll.

Wedding trend alert: 3 invitation styles guaranteed to ‘wow’ guests

When it comes to planning a wedding, you have a lot of details to consider. Invitations, however, merit extra attention. The perfect wedding invitation doesn’t just excite guests about your event, it leaves them guessing at the themes, colors and other surprises that await them on your big day.

How to protect your diesel in cold weather

As more manufacturers produce diesel vehicles for consumers, owners need to be aware of the issues that may occur during the cold winter months and learn how they can protect their vehicle.

Raucous Beta Bomb ready to detonate

“Pretty.” “Safe.” Timothy Styles looks as if he swallowed a bug as he says these words, sitting outside a southside Starbucks on a chilly Tuesday evening, hoodie pulled over his head to defend against the cold.

Locals Only: Olympic fever

If you’re anything like us, every four years you find yourself glued to a TV at 3 a.m. watching a couple of regular-looking folks sweep a patch of ice with brooms while thinking to yourself, “If that’s all it takes to be an Olympian, I’m there!”

Pageant director hones life’s realities

Shanna Moakler — Vegas party girl/former Miss USA/Playmate — told me she loves her new cosmetic surgeries so much, she plans to attack her thighs next.

Dejean-Jones leads UNLV to upset of New Mexico at The Pit

In an unbridled show of emotion after a steal, dunk and foul, Bryce Dejean-Jones pumped his arms, shouted and chest bumped teammates. He had a point to prove, and a three-point play was only his opening statement.

Lady Rebels finally finding their groove

Though they still have a long way to go before having a big say regarding which team wins the Mountain West, the Lady Rebels suddenly look like they could be a factor in March.