Man sues Dunkin’ Donuts over fake butter

An attorney is defending a proposed settlement between a man and Dunkin’ Donuts shops that could mean $500 for the lead plaintiff, free buttered baked goods for hundreds of other customers and a big payout for law firms that handled the class action case.

House Freedom Caucus to support for health bill with changes

The majority of House Freedom Caucus members will vote for a Republican healthcare bill if changes offered by the White House are included in the legislation, the head of the conservative group of House Republicans said Thursday.

Russian agents arrest 3 in subway bombing, defuse device

Russian security agents on Thursday arrested three people suspected of links to a suicide bomber accused of attacking the city’s subway and deactivated an explosive device in the apartment where the suspects lived.

Prehistoric cannibalism wasn’t worth the trouble, study says

You know those snacks that are OK if they’re handy, but not worth the bother if you have to go track them down? Our Stone Age forerunners may have felt the same way about eating each other.

Nunes steps away from House panel’s Russian investigation

The chairman of the House intelligence committee says he will temporarily step aside from the panel’s probe into Russian meddling in the election.

Secret Service agent assigned to Pence busted with hooker

A Secret Service agent on Vice President Mike Pence’s detail has reportedly been suspended after meeting with a prostitute at a Maryland hotel.

9-month-old twins victims of Syria gas attack

Abdel Hameed Alyousef lost his two children, his wife and other relatives in the chemical attack Tuesday in the northern Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun that killed at least 72 people.

IRS seizing millions from innocent people, Treasury reports

The Internal Revenue Service has taken millions of dollars in cash from individuals and businesses that obtained the money legally, according to a new Treasury Department inspector general’s report. The report covers IRS cash seizures against businesses and individuals suspected of deliberately trying to avoid federal reporting requirements for large bank deposits.