Migrant caravan arrives at US border facing uncertain future

Packed into five old school buses, hundreds of Central American migrants arrived at the U.S. border Sunday for a rally, to be followed by a planned mass attempt to apply for asylum, in a direct challenge to the Trump administration.

T-Mobile, Sprint finally agree to merge

T-Mobile and Sprint announced Sunday that they reached an agreement to combine into a new company that would reshape the U.S. wireless landscape by reducing it to three major cellphone providers.

‘Avengers: Infinity War’ sets record with $250M in ticket sales

A few dozen superheroes lifted “Avengers: Infinity War” to a record $250 million in ticket sales over the weekend, narrowly surpassing “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” for the highest opening weekend of all-time.

Trump skips annual dinner for enthusiastic rally in Michigan

President Donald Trump took aim at familiar political targets and added a few fresh ones during a campaign-style rally in Michigan, an Upper Midwest state so crucial in sending him to the White House.

Warren Buffett warns of profit swings on eve of annual meeting

Billionaire Warren Buffett’s company will release its first-quarter earnings report on Friday — one day before tens of thousands of shareholders will gather to hear the investor answer questions at the annual meeting.

Clark County school superintendent finalist Mike Barton

Finalist for Clark County School District superintendency has worked his way up from teacher to upper management, earning a wealth of community support along the way.

Clark County school superintendent finalist Don Haddad

Haddad, superintendent of St. Vrain Valley School District in Longmont, Colorado, is one of six finalists for the top job in the Clark County School District. The School Board is expected to make its choice on Wednesday.

Clark County school superintendent finalist Jesus Jara

Jara, deputy superintendent of Orange County Public Schools in Orlando, Florida, is one of six finalists for the top job in the Clark County School District. The school board is expected to make its choice Wednesday.

Clark County school superintendent finalist Jesse Welsh

Jesse Welsh, currently the Clark County School District’s associate superintendent of curriculum and professional development, is seeking to move up to the top job in the nation’s fifth-largest district.

Clark County school superintendent finalist Eva White

The candidate for Clark County schools superintendent left the district last year to return to her native state of Minnesota, but she says she is eager to return to help push the reorganization across the goal line.

Steve Wynn files defamation lawsuit against former hairstylist

Steve Wynn filed a lawsuit Thursday in Clark Country District Court against Jorgen Nielsen, one of two people to go on the record for the Jan. 26 Wall Street Journal article that alleged the casino mogul sexually harassed female employees for decades.

UNLV roundup: Women’s tennis team back in league final

Top-seeded UNLV got past No. 5 seed Wyoming 4-2 in Boise, Idaho, on Saturday to advance to the Mountain West women’s tennis championship title match for the third straight season.