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This simple diet flex can lower risk of heart disease

What if a simple tweak to your diet could significantly reduce your risk of heart disease without requiring you to go entirely meat-free?

Is there an optimal time of day to work out?

It’s a long-standing discussion for all who want to get into shape. When is the best time to exercise? Morning and evening workouts both have their benefits.

Smokers who quit and gain weight are still better off, study says

If you quit smoking and gain weight, it may seem like you’re trading one set of health problems for another. But a new U.S. study finds you’re still better off in the long run.

Ex-priest accused of sexual abuse worked at Disney World

A grand jury report into child sexual abuse in Roman Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania says church officials gave a former priest a positive reference to work at Disney World, even though they’d fielded at least one complaint about him sexually abusing a boy.