Costly California bullet train project has big flaws, audit says

Flawed decision-making and poor contract management contributed to billions in cost overruns and years of delays in the as-yet unbuilt California’s high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and San Francisco, state auditors said Thursday.

Movie ranch destroyed by Southern California fire to be rebuilt over 2 years

Standing amid the charred foundations and burned-out movie sets of Paramount Ranch, officials from the National Park Service said Friday that they plan to rebuild and reopen the site that holds decades of movie history and still hosts a steady stream of Hollywood productions within the next two years.

Jonestown survivors created new lives after losing everything

Dozens of Peoples Temple members in Guyana survived the mass suicides and murders of more than 900 because they had slipped out of Jonestown or happened to be away Nov. 18, 1978.

Cajoling, bluffing are crucial skills for Clark County truancy officer

Attendance officer Tony Stark shares a name with the Iron Man comic book character, but he has few of his powers. All he can do is try to connect with chronically absent students on child at a time.

Trump tours wildfire areas, consoles families hurt by shooting

President Donald Trump on Saturday acknowledged Californians suffering from twin tragedies, walking through the ashes of a mobile home and RV park in a small northern town all but destroyed by deadly wildfires and privately consoling people grieving after a mass shooting at a popular college bar outside Los Angeles.

Downtown Summerlin holiday parade boosts brand, attracts shoppers

Spectacles and events are classic tools for shopping centers to draw a crowd. They’ve become more important than ever at a time when the experience of shopping competes with the convenience and prices of e-commerce, said Stephanie Cegielski, spokeswoman for the International Council of Shopping Centers trade group.