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Learn how grip training can aid your longevity

An enormous body of research links better grip strength in midlife and beyond to decreased risk of overall mortality.

Xerox’s call center will stay open longer than expected

Xerox, the vendor for Nevada Health Link’s first enrollment session, has agreed to keep its call center open two weeks beyond its originally scheduled closing date of Tuesday.

Americans fear pilot crashes as much as hijacking

Americans fear pilots purposely crashing an airliner as much as they are afraid of a hijacking, and over a quarter are more scared of flying than they were before a copilot crashed a jet in France last week, killing 150 people, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found.

Top reasons couples divorce — and what you can do to head it off

Certain life events can crack a marriage, from illness to job changes, infidelity to childbirth. And when babies grow up and leave the nest, it creates another stress-inducing shock to marriage, according to Time Inc. Network’s health.com.

Heck, school officials address Nevada doctor shortage

Congressman Joe Heck and Southern Nevada medical school officials gathered Tuesday to tout the importance of creating or expanding residency programs to give doctors-in-training more opportunities in hospitals and clinics in Nevada.

Follow the bouncing meatball …

Readers are confident they know where to find the best meatballs in the valley.

Ancient eye infection potion kills superbug MRSA, research shows

It might sound like a really old wives’ tale, but a thousand-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion for eye infections may hold the key to wiping out the modern-day superbug MRSA, according to new research.

Small Plates: Passover cookbook

Here’s a Seder Plate Salad recipe from “The New Passover Menu” by Paula Shoyer.

YouTube star Michelle Phan launches online network in US, UK

YouTube pioneer Michelle Phan, who built a business empire around her popular makeup tutorials, on Tuesday debuted a global online network devoted to beauty, fashion and lifestyle that features original series by her and other creators.