Garth Brooks

My whole career,” Garth Brooks told his fans Saturday night, “you’ve always just let me be me.”



Rivers, Chargers expose phony Romo, Cowboys

A quarterback who was anointed a star too soon was on display and further exposed Sunday. But Philip Rivers and the San Diego Chargers weren’t the frauds.

In Brief


Holtz not exactly super sized

Need proof that this is not your father’s college football?

Colts hit new high with win

INDIANAPOLIS — Peyton Manning watched disbelievingly as one pass after another hit the ground Sunday.


MAL VAN VALKENBURG REVIEW-JOURNAL, 47-38-3 (overall record)

Brothel seeks first male prostitutes

The owner of a brothel more than two hours’ drive from Las Vegas said she hopes to hire Nevada’s first legal male prostitutes within a month, now that state health officials have approved a method to test men for infectious diseases.

Lieberman may oppose expansion of Medicare

WASHINGTON — Risking the wrath of Democrats, Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., threatened Sunday to join Republicans in opposing health care legislation if it permits uninsured individuals as young as 55 to buy Medicare coverage.

Critics applaud Brooks’ comeback

No one minded that he was a tad rusty from sitting out nine years. Certainly not the critics, who have given Garth Brooks rave reviews after his Las Vegas comeback began this past weekend at Wynn Las Vegas.

Tax challenger takes complaints to court

CARSON CITY — Clark County businessman Brent Howard thought he had a chance of significantly lowering the taxes on his home and business properties. … That’s because Nevada’s county assessors have been accused of not following a constitutional requirement to assess property in a uniform and equitable way. … He has been forced to think again.

in brief


Osmonds volunteer to cheer needy

Last week, Donny Osmond hurt his back when he fell off a platform backstage at the Flamingo. But here he is on Saturday, picking up heavy boxes of charity food and walking them into senior citizens’ apartments, without complaint.

Licensing efforts continue

Department of Energy lawyers are forging ahead with their defense of a license application to build the nation’s nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain.

Struggling families turn to food pantries for help

Many families are surviving these days thanks to food supplied by nonprofit and faith-based agencies, said Julie Murray, president and CEO of Three Square food bank.

Tax him, not me!

Union leaders are among the most passionate backers of President Barack Obama’s plan to nationalize U.S. health care — except the part where the Democrats call for a tax on high-value insurance plans … the kind unions have negotiated for their members.