Now ideal time to create plan for outdoor living

Yes, it’s true, Christmas bells are still ringing in our ears and the surrounding mountaintops still have traces of snow, but what better time to get ahead of the curve and start thinking about outdoor furniture than now? Ring in the new year and start laying plans for the outdoor life that we enjoy so much of the time here in Las Vegas.

Snowball of change can lead to green avalanche

The Copenhagen climate talks are behind us and the results were, shall we say, suboptimal. Despite dire warnings from the world’s brightest scientists, along with more than ample physical evidence of the need for immediate action, the world’s leaders have again, well, failed to lead. Spectacularly I might add. Copenhagen yielded no new treaty or binding agreement to address the issue of climate change. Some said it was doomed to fail, that it had a snowball’s chance in hell to create meaningful change. With leadership like that, who needs enemies?


Workshop to focus on composting in small spaces

Rules for the roost

When you were younger and first learning how to dress yourself, your mom undoubtedly helped you figure out how to button a button or tie a shoe along with providing fashion advice such as to avoid mixing stripes and polka dots, how certain colors go together or that you should only wear white between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

Midnight game buoys Wranglers

Maybe the Wranglers should play all their home games at midnight.

Unconventional coach’s ego led to his undoing

Mike Leach is one part of the cycle. He is an eccentric part, mind you. He isn’t going to win any awards for conventional methods, and that was true long before he banished a player with a concussion to an electrical closet or garage or media room or whatever secluded place Adam James supposedly spent several hours.


LAKE MEAD — Holidays and cold weather are keeping anglers away. Only eight stripers were reported in the creel census Saturday. All were caught near the Boulder Beach area either trolling or fishing from shore. Trout have been dispersing after plants with a few large stripers behind them. Shad have been seen around Boulder and Hemenway harbors.

Pacquiao seeks $75,000-plus in defamation suit

The war of words between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. took a nasty turn Wednesday when Pacquiao filed a defamation lawsuit against Mayweather, his father, his uncle and Golden Boy Promotions.



Rebels’ Kruger has knee, team on mend

Knee surgery has sidelined the leader of UNLV’s basketball team. It’s no cause for panic, though, because coach Lon Kruger said he’ll be fine in a few days.

Shooting facility under scrutiny

A down-and-up year, that’s how 2009 has played out for Southern Nevada’s recreational shooters.





Daley aims for another big victory

Paul Daley finally got his big break in the Ultimate Fighting Championship when he stepped in at UFC 103 for an injured Mike Swick to face Martin Kampmann.

The trick will be when politicians start acting ethically willfully

Back in 1998, Larry Spitler was presented with a proclamation from the Clark County Commission, honoring him for his creativity and resolve in producing a set of ethical guidelines for elected and appointed county officials.

Seven schools ‘low-achieving’

Seven Clark County schools classified under state guidelines as “persistently low-achieving,” could each be eligible next year for up to $500,000 to fund innovation and reform efforts.



Lawsuit says UMC didn’t give treatment

A Las Vegas attorney filed a second lawsuit Wednesday that accuses medical personnel at University Medical Center of failing to provide emergency treatment to a pregnant woman in labor.

Budget tips for state get reply

Higher taxes on mining, gambling or sales won’t improve Nevada’s dismal budget outlook.

Raise the roof, again

Standing atop Treasure Island Wednesday afternoon, a beaming Felix Grucci Jr., fireworks guru, had a message for Las Vegas: “We’re back!”

Two indicted in ‘club drugs’ case

Two Las Vegas men were indicted Wednesday after authorities accused them of conspiring to distribute “club drugs” and other illegal drugs.

Gibbons fires campaign aide

CARSON CITY — Gov. Jim Gibbons fired his campaign adviser Wednesday for comments that described first ladies as “window dressing.”

Riders to feel budget pinch

Cleophus Parker relies on public transportation to shuttle him to doctor appointments, which he has four to five times a week to treat his diabetes and heart condition.


• A story in Wednesday’s Review-Journal on a proposal to require further certification of private-sector building inspectors should have said that one county inspector in 2007 overlooked serious defects in remodeling at the Rio, prompting a scathing audit. Although the district attorney filed misdemeanor charges against Harrah’s after an investigation of several casino remodeling projects, those charges were dropped and no charges were ever filed against the county inspector.

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