Metallica applies heavy metal bear hug

Their tunes came salted with 31 flavors of death: roasting in the electric chair, succumbing to the slow, blood-draining decay of chemical dependency, getting hunted down without mercy by nightmarish nasties, enduring the synapse-sizzling shock of war.

LV bowl attracts ranked twosome

Brigham Young playing a bowl in Las Vegas is old hat, but this year’s game has a new name and will break fresh ground from a competitive standpoint.

Saints good, lucky enough for 16-0 regular season

A week ago, Drew Brees was a surgeon, precisely cutting up one of the NFL’s most respected defenses. On Sunday, the New Orleans Saints quarterback was a magician, escaping in a matter of seconds from a straitjacket while being attacked by a swarm of bees.





State feels birth pangs

CARSON CITY — When the economy soured late in 2007, Nevada families decided to cut back on spending. … Out went the trip to Hawaii. Out went the Friday night outing to the steakhouse. And out went the baby. The baby? Yes, the baby. … Statistics show that couples in Nevada are not having as many babies as they did before the state sank into its worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Probe into Ensign scandal stays cloudy

The official silence from the Senate Ethics Committee and U.S. Department of Justice makes watching the investigation into alleged corruption by Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., a little like watching interpretive dance: lots of stuff is happening but it is tough to say what it means.

New school targets learning disorders

As the mother of a 7-year-old son with attention deficit disorder and dyslexia, Sara Martin has experienced a “bang my head against the wall” kind of frustration as she tries to get educational help for him.

Governor candidates gearing up

It was billed as a house party, but Rory Reid and the roughly 20 others who showed up at Audrie Dempsey’s suburban Las Vegas home on a Saturday in mid-November weren’t there for hors d’oeuvres and cocktail chatter.

Doctor accused of slander prepares to pay colleague

Dr. Daniel Burkhead believes he has lost more than $1 million after Drs. Mark Kabins and John Thalgott blamed him, and him alone, for a patient becoming a paraplegic. In April, the Las Vegas anesthesiologist sued both doctors for slander, plus a third doctor in Louisiana, Charles Aprill, who served as their “expert” claiming Burkhead was totally responsible for the problems stemming from the treatment of Melodie Simon in 2000.

Rural area aid grows on trees

RESERVE, N.M. — A federal program that began as a safety net for Pacific Northwest logging communities hard-hit by battles to protect the spotted owl in the 1990s has morphed into a sprawling entitlement that ships vast amounts of money to states with little or no historic connection to timber, an analysis of the program shows.

‘Miss Spectacular’ waiting patiently

Chances are you’ve never met Sarah Jane Hotchkiss, or heard her singing about her dreams of “the audience roaring, the people adoring me so … “



License to stretch

Three yoga instructors filed suit Tuesday against the state of Virginia, arguing the state’s plan to license yoga teacher-training programs is an unconstitutional restriction of free speech.